Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Tirupati Temple to keep Laddu GI

Indian Express has reported yesterday that Tirupati Venketeshwara Temple has won the rectification petition filed against granting of GI status to their deity offering, "Tirupati  Laddu".

India's richest temple was granted GI tag for their unique deity offering in September 2009. Grant of GI was severely criticized on several grounds and specifically on giving monopoly status on a religious offering.  Registry's order was challenged by Mr Praveen Raj, an IP enthusiast and former Patent examiner at Patent and Design Office, Chennai . Praveen in his claims indicated that TTD'd claims violates Section 9 and 11 of GI Act.

Indian Express now reports that the on Monday, Mr Chinnaraja G Naidu, Assistant Registrar of Trademarks and GI, Chennai has uphold TTD's claim over GI and even fined Mr Praveen Raj.

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