Electronic Arts Inc,an American developer, marketer, publisher and distributor of video games on Friday filed a copyright infringement suit against Zynga, a Social games service provider from San Francisco. EA inc claims that Zynga's "Ville" game violates their rights over " Sims social", an EA game that runs over Facebook.
Launched in August 2011 Sims social is claimed to be viewed and used by several millions of users over Facebook. Lucy Bradshaw in his statement called Zynga's new game as unmistakable infringement of sims social. He claims that " the copying was so comprehensive that the two games are to an uninitiated observer, largely indistinguishable " . He claims the case to be a matter of principle and alleges that Zynga has violated copyrights of other companies in several instances.
EA arts calls its step to be a a stand intended to protect the value of original creative works of the industry as well as of those who work tirelessly to create them.
Zyng's counsel, Reggie Davis, in his statement denied the claims put forwarded by EA and calls it unfortunate and " lack of understanding of basic copyright principles by them". The Ville according to him is the newest branch of Ville franchise including Cityvill, YoVille and CastleVille and introduces new features which are unknown to the entertainment industry. Further he makes clear their intention to defend the case to the " Fullest extent possible and win with the players".
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