Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Out of the US market soon?

After its victory in the landmark patent litigation $1.05 billion verdict against Samsung Electronics Co., the Apple Inc., on Monday provided a the U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh a list of eight Samsung products it wants to be out of the US market and banned, which also includes the popular Galaxy model smartphones.

The list of the products that Apple wants out are all smartphones: Galaxy S 4G, Galaxy S2 AT&T, Galaxy S2, Galaxy S2 T-Mobile, Galaxy S2 Epic 4G, Galaxy S Showcase, Droid Charge and Galaxy Prevail.
Galaxy Tab 10.1 was banned from the U.S. market earlier in the last week of June this year, after it was found to be likely to violate a "design patent." 
Though, the jury found that Samsung computer tablet didn't infringe that particular patent, but it was found that it infringed three Apple's software patents, including the popular "bounce-back" and pinch-to-zoom features. Therefore, Samsung is now asking for that ban to be lifted after this finding.

20th September is the date scheduled for hearing and discussing Apple's demands for the sales bans. 

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