Another Tamil film, "Mirattal" has managed to secure a John Doe Protection order from Madras High Court last Tuesday prior to its release barring any one from uploading the film or any part of it in any websites without authorization of the producers.

John Doe orders or Ashok Kumar Injunctions are granted against persons/ infringers whose identity is unknown at the time when injunction is sought. Tamil movie "3" was the first movie in India to obtain a John Doe order which started the debate on utility of blocking the entire website containing pirated materials. Madras high court later came up with a clarification that only specific urls containing the film name are only hit by this order and not the entire website.
According to Times of India, R Subbiah J, on Tuesday issued an interim injunction restraining at least 12 websites and telecom companies from putting "Mirattal" or any part of the film online as well as five John Doe's against prospective yet unidentified copyright infringers. The said orders are not applicable against uploading trailers or songs of the film.
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